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Prem Subramanian, MD, PhD |
What are your main 3 goals for your term as NANOS President?
Where do you see NANOS in 5 years?
NANOS will represent a broader range of neuro-ophthalmologists, and our international presence will assume a larger part of what we do. However, we will maintain our focus on supporting our US and Canadian members, who will still be the largest group and have specific needs for practice support.
What is the main challenge the Board is facing right now?
Our strength is also our challenge, and that is the growing popularity of our meeting and our growing membership of physicians who may practice neuro-ophthalmology than we think of it traditionally. We need to ensure we are using NANOS resources to support our members in all facets of education and practice.
What motivates you personally to participate as a volunteer leader in NANOS?
Neuro-ophthalmology and NANOS are inseparable to me, and serving this organization is also serving my patients and profession.
What was your busiest day as a NANOS Board member?
It’s a tie between finalizing all of the committee assignments and figuring out if our all-virtual 2021 meeting would actually run well and succeed (I think it did!).
What advice would you give to someone coming into a board for the first time?
Speak up and contribute. There is often consensus on issues but there are legitimate areas of uncertainty where debate and free exchange of ideas is always needed. You were elected to the Board because you have skills that are valued- use them!
Describe the NANOS Board using 3 words.
Passionate, dedicated, adaptable
Posted: August 2022