Development Committee Highlights


What is your committee working on and how does it impact NANOS Members?
As the fundraising arm of NANOS, we work to encourage private donations and industry support to help NANOS meet its goals that could not be achieved through dues revenue alone. A year-long effort, our current priority is reaching out to previous supporters and potential new industry partners. NANOS raised over $39,000 in private donations (thank you!) thus far for 2022 and has commitments of over $275,000 from industry as of 1/16/23 to support the 2023 Annual meeting!

What resources should the membership be aware of? 

  1. Did you know that all NANOS donations are recognized (unless otherwise requested) on our website here?  
  2. If you’d like more CME credit, look out for emails from Vindico, one of NANOS current partners, for CME opportunities! To receive these, be sure to whitelist or login to your NANOS profile and update your email preferences here.

Did you know that NANOS has 40+ committees and taskforces? 

NANOS is proud of and grateful for having so many engaged volunteers who are passionate about advancing our mission. All our volunteers are the blood vessels of our organization. All that NANOS does ties back to their ongoing efforts and hard work behind the scenes.

Please click here to view all 2023 NANOS Committee Highlights. 

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