Resident Membership Application

Welcome to the NANOS membership enrollment process. Eligible individuals for this membership status include Residents who have graduated from  a medical school and are doing a residency in ophthalmology or neurology or a similar field

Application Requirements:
If you are applying for this membership type, please ensure you have the following information readily available to complete the required questions on the application:

  • First name, last name, and professional email address of an ophthalmologist, neurologist or neurosurgeon who has agreed to endorse/sponsor your application.

Contact Information:
If you are not sure which member category you are eligible for, please email the NANOS Executive Office at Different membership categories have specific eligibility criteria, which can be found in the NANOS bylaws. Click here to view the NANOS bylaws. 

We appreciate your interest in joining NANOS and look forward to processing your application efficiently.

Privacy Assurance:
All information collected on this platform is strictly for NANOS use.NANOS will not disclose any personal data without your explicit permission.

Your Dues Rate Type is: Pending Resident Member $175.00

Subscribe to receive messages related to free CME credit offerings or other content or products that is of interest to Neuro-Ophthalmology professionals. Please note that the content in these e-blasts is carefully curated, yet it should not be considered a NANOS endorsement or recommendation.


Please enter the Member Login/Password you would like to use to login to this website.

  • Your Member Login must be unique and must be at least 6 characters.
  • Passwords must be a minimum of 8 alpha-numeric characters with at least 1 number or 1 letter.





African-American or Black
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander(Guam‚ Samoa‚ or other Pacific Island)
Decline to state


Allowed file types: doc,docx,pdf,ppt,pptx,xls,xlsx,txt,gif,jpg,png,jpe




Enable Automatic Renewals? *
Select "Yes" to enroll in automatic membership renewal. The payment method submitted with this form will be used for your future membership renewals. You can change the automatic renewal setting or saved payment method at any time in either the "Payment Methods" or "Renewal Settings" where you edit your profile.


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