Get Involved!


Make the most of your NANOS membership and get involved today! The NANOS committee term is 2-year long and starts July 1 during even years. Our 2024 'Get Involved' campaign resulted in more than 200 volunteers signing up to serve on the NANOS committees, including leadership roles. 

If you are interested in getting more involved with NANOS, click here to view the NANOS strategic plan and goals, organizational arm structure and committee tasks and watch for the next 'Get Involved' announcement. Your committee participation will help NANOS successfully execute our strategic plan, expand your network, keep you up to date of the NANOS affairs, help you learn new skills, and contribute to your profession.


NANOS committee appointments take place every two years, with the next committee appointment cycle taking place July 1, 2026.


As set forth in our Bylaws, Committee terms are for two years, with a maximum of three 2 year terms.


NANOS Committees generally meet by a conference call or via listserv discussions.


Visit our committee page to view the tasks and purpose of NANOS committees.


The "book of business" of NANOS, as it tries to serve its members best, has increased. Therefore, we really would like more members to serve on the committees that execute the plans that are based on what members tell us is important for NANOS to do for them. Service on the NANOS committees, especially in leadership roles, opens up opportunities for being nominated and chosen for the Board of Directors seats.


We are particularly in need of people with expertise in the business aspects of Neuro-Ophthalmology and advocating for our discipline, but a desire to learn these skills suffices.


July 1, 2026

Note that NANOS cannot guarantee that we can place you on the committee of your interest, but we will try our best to get you involved in one way or another. We will keep your requests on file and may ask you to join a task force or volunteer in another capacity throughout the year.

Click here to view the NANOS Committee posters and learn more about the work of our professional Society powered by volunteers. New committee appointments will be made July 1, 2026. Get Involved here!


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