NANOS Anti-Harassment/Code of Conduct at Meetings Policy | North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society

NANOS Anti-Harassment/Code of Conduct at Meetings Policy

NANOS is committed to the creation and maintenance of a harassment-free environment in all of its activities, meetings and events. The professional conduct of all members and non-members who participate in such activities, meetings and events is essential for preserving this standard. NANOS is also committed to preventing harassment by or toward its employees and third parties involved in its activities, including contractors, vendors, volunteers, or guests.

Any person who desires to report a possible violation of the NANOS Anti-harassment Policy should promptly contact the NANOS Executive Office through this form. If the incident occurs during any event organized by NANOS, then the Executive Office should be directly contacted HERE as soon as possible. The matter will be discussed by either the President, President Elect or Executive Vice President of NANOS or the Ethics committee depending on the content of the incident. NANOS has established procedures to address complaints under this Policy that provide guidelines for gathering information, maintaining confidentiality to the extent possible, reaching a determination, and determining the consequences. Click here to view the NANOS anti-harassment policy.

If reported anonymously, there will be a record of your report but there will not be any follow-up contact from the NANOS Executive Office. The lack of opportunity to contact you to gather any additional information limits the scope of any steps that may be taken to address your concerns.

First Name
Last Name
Please describe a (possible) violation of the NANOS Anti-harassment Policy here:

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