NANOS would like to thank the following individuals for their generous donations in 2014:

Silver $10,000 - $19,999
Preston C. Calvert, MD (In honor of Neil R. Miller, MD)
Agnes Wong, MD, Ph.D (In memory of James A. Sharpe, MD, FRCPC)

Glaser Society $5,000 - $9,999
James A. Rush, MD (In memory of David G. Cogan, MD)

Lowenfeld Council  $2,500 - $4,999

Wirtschafter Club  $1,000 - $2,499
Kathleen B. Digre, MD (In Honor of Nancy Lambardo)
William Fletcher, MD, FRCPC (In memory of James A. Sharpe, MD, FRCPC)
Deborah Friedman, MD, MPH (In memory of Irma Lessell, MD)
Mark J. Kupersmith, MD
Leah Levi, MBBS (In Honor of Larry Frohman, MD and Preston C. Calvert, MD)

Averbuch-Heller Guild  $500 - $999
Rudrani Banik, MD (In Honor of Neil R. Miller, MD)
Nancy Newman, MD & Valérie Biousse, MD  

Mark Borchert, MD (In Memory of Irma M. Lessell, MD)
Judith A. Warner, MD & Kathleen B. Digre, MD (In Memory of Irma M. Lessell, MD)
Edmond FitzGibbon, MD
John Keltner, MD
David Newman-Toker, MD, PhD    
Anial D. Patel, MD     
Michael Salman, Ph.D, MRCP (In Memory of James A. Sharpe, MD, FRCPC)               

Hedges Club  $250 - $499
David Bellows, MD, FACS 
Robert Daroff, MD
Larry Frohman, MD
Thomas R. Hedges III, MD
Matthew Kay, MD (In Honor of Leonard S. Davitch, MD)
Victoria Pelak, MD (In memory of William Pelak)
Vivian Rismondo-Stankovich, MD     
Nurhan Torun, MD, FRCS(C) (In Memory of James A. Sharpe, MD)
Floyd A. Warren, MD    

Zaret Society  $100 - $249
Rachid Auochiche, MD, FACS
Joseph Chacko, MD
Ping-i Chou, MD
Ivy J. Dreizin, MD
Michael Lee, MD
Mark Moster, MD
Richard Selbst, MD (In honor of Dr. Simmons Lessell)
Shirley Wray, MD (In Memory of James A. Sharpe, MD, FRCPC)





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