2023 Donors

Thank you for donating to NANOS

NANOS does not have any formal restrictions on any awards/donations unless the donated amount is $10,000 or above. For additional information on restrictions, please contact info@nanosweb.org.

NANOS would like to thank the following individuals for their generous donations:

2023 DONORS are listed below

Donors who made their contributions in 2023 were recognized at our 2024 Annual Meeting.

GLASER SOCIETY $5,000 - $9,999
  • Preston Calvert, MD (In honor of Neil R. Miller, MD; NOVEL), August 2023
Wirtschafter Club  $1,000 - $2,499
  • Susan C. Benes, MD (Dr. Ivy Dreizin Leadership Development Grant), January 2023
  • Sophia Chung, MD and John Holds, MD (General Fund), December 2023
  • Kathleen Digre, MD (NOVEL, In memoriam of H. Stanley Thompson, MD), February 2023
  • Deborah Friedman, MD (General Fund, in honor of NANOS Colleagues in Israel), December 2023
  • Larry Frohman, MD (General Fund, in honor of Mark Kupersmith, MD), January 2023
  • Steven Hamilton, MD (General Fund, in honor of Joseph Rizzo, MD), October 2023
  • John Keltner, MD (Carlow Young Investigator Award), December 2023
  • Melissa Ko, MD (General Fund), August 2023
  • Howard Krauss, MD (General Fund, In memoriam of John S. Kennerdell, MD)
  • Leah Levi, MBBS (Dr. Ivy Dreizin Leadership Development Grant, In memoriam of Dr. Ivy Dreizin), November 2023
  • Patricia Johnston McNussen, MD (General Fund, In Memorial of Dr. H. Stanley Thompson), December 2023
  • Nancy Newman, MD and Valerie Biousse, MD (In memoriam of Simmons Lessell, MD, General Fund), October 2023
  • Stephen Pollock, MD (General Fund, Novel), November 2023
  • Valerie Purvin, MD (General Fund), September 2023
  • Prem Subramanian, MD, PhD (General Fund, in honor of Neil R. Miller, MD), December 2023
  • Sharon Tow, MD (General Fund, in honor of Neil R. Miller, MD), January 2023
  • Judith Warner, MD (General Fund), December 2023
Averbuch-Heller Guild  $500 - $999
  • Anthony Arnold, MD (General Fund), December 2023
  • John Chen, MD, PhD (General Fund), August 2023
  • Christopher Glisson, DO, MS, FAAN (General Fund), December 2023
  • Lynn K. Gordon MD, PhD (General Fund), December 2023
  • Nafiseh Hashemi, MD (General Fund, NOVEL, Carlow Young Investigator Award, Dr. Ivy Deizin Leadership Development Grant, and the James A. Sharpe Best Abstract by a Fellow Award), October 2023
  • Sachin Kedar, MD (NOVEL, In honor of James J. Corbett MD), November 2023
  • Heather Moss, MD, PhD (General Fund, Dr. Ivy Dreizin Leadership Development Grant), October 2023
  • Mark Moster, MD (General Fund), November 2023
  • Peter Quiros, MD (General Fund), April 2023
Hedges Club  $250 - $499
  • Joseph Chacko, MD (General Fund), December 2023
  • Valerie Elmalem, MD (General Fund), October 2023
  • Julie Falardeau, MD (General Fund), November 2023
  • Hong Jiang, MD (General Fund, NOVEL), December 2023
  • Fayçal Mokhtari, MD (General Fund), December 2023
  • Vivian Rismondo-Stankovich, MD (NOVEL, In Honor of Drs. Steven Feldon and Alfredo Sadun), December 2023
  • Nurhan Torun, MD (NOVEL), December 2023
  • Zoe Williams, MD (General Fund), January 2023
Zaret Society  $100 - $249
  • Rachid Aouchiche, MD (General Fund), December 2023
  • David Bellows, MD (General Fund), August 2023
  • Ping-I Chou, MD (General Fund), December 2023
  • Scott Forman, MD (General Fund), December 2023
  • Edward A. Margolin, MD, FRCSC (General Fund), February 2023
  • Cheryl Ray, DO (Dr. Ivy Dreizin Leadership Development Grant), November 2023
  • Carl Rosen, MD (General Fund), December 2023
  • Richard Selbst, MD (General Fund), November 2023
  • Luis Serrano, MD (General Fund, NOVEL), December 2023
  • Hyunjin Shin, MD (General Fund), August 2023
  • Seema Sundaram, MD (General Fund), November 2023
  • Roger Turbin, MD (General, NOVEL & Carlow Young Investigator Fund), March 2023
  • Floyd Warren, MD (General Fund and NOVEL), November 2023
  • A. Charles Winkelman (General Fund), December 2023
  • Barbara Yates, MD (General Fund, Dr. Ivy Dreizin Leadership Development Grant), December 2023
  • Thomas Zweifel (General Fund), September 2023
Contributors  $1- $99
  • Jaclyn Martindale, DO (General Fund), December 2023
  • Julio A. Rodriguez-Padilla, MD (General Fund), January 2023
  • Agatha Gornisiewicz (General Fund), August 2023
2023 Annual Meeting FUNDRAISER Donors
  • Anthony Arnold
  • Harry Aung
  • Poonam Bansal
  • Rachel Calix
  • John Chen
  • Michael Dattilo
  • Tatiana Deveney
  • Oana Dumitrascu
  • Julie Falardeau
  • Janel Kuebker
  • Ed FitzGibbon
  • Deborah Friedman
  • Ben Frishberg
  • Aubrey Gilbert
  • Christopher Glisson
  • Todd Goodglick
  • Karl Golnik
  • Sharon Heyka
  • Arthur Jordan
  • Casey Judge
  • Andrew Lee
  • Collin McClelland
  • Patty McNussen
  • Leonard Messner
  • Neil Miller
  • Kannan Narayana
  • Anil Patel
  • Claudia Maria Prospero Ponce
  • Sonali Singh
  • Seema Sundaram
  • Floyd Warren
  • Mitchell J. Wolin
  • Barbara Yates



  • Every year NANOS offers a Pilot Research Grant program to stimulate investigator-initiated research in Neuro-Ophthalmology
  • NANOS advocates for you and the field of Neuro-Ophthalmology through our collaboration with AAO and AAN, as well as having our own voting delegate to the AMA
  • NANOS makes educational materials on NOVEL accessible for members
  • With the help of NANOS volunteers, NANOS puts on an exceptional program at our Annual Meeting and makes it affordable for students, residents, and fellows-in-training, which is fundamental for development of our field
  • NANOS funds the Thomas and Susan Carlow Young Investigator Award to encourage basic or clinical research in Neuro-Ophthalmology among young researchers
  • The funds raised for the Dr. Ivy Dreizin Leadership Development Grant will support leadership development of those in early and mid-careers within NANOS. This grant recognizes the need to stimulate leadership development in diverse members of its community
  • NANOS supports the Best Abstract Awards that recognize the best poster or platform presentation by a resident, fellow-in-training, and student
  • and much more
    THANK YOU for making all this happen!

NANOS GIVES IN RETURN! Unless indicated as “anonymous,” all donations will be acknowledged as follows:

  • Posted on NANOS website
  • Posted in NANOS program and syllabus 
  • Onsite signage at Annual Meeting
  • Acknowledged during the Annual Meeting

If you value what NANOS represents and would like to support our initiatives and growth, please consider making a donation to NANOS today. 


  • Continue to flourish
  • Attract young neuro-ophthalmologists to our specialty
  • Foster research in neuro-ophthalmology 
  • Continue our high quality educational programs, and much more

NANOS would like to recognize our 2021 donors.
NANOS would like to recognize our 2020 donors.
NANOS would like to recognize our 2019 donors
NANOS would like to recognize our 2018 donors
NANOS would like to recognize our 2017 donors.
NANOS would like to recognize our 2016 donors. 
NANOS would like to recognize our 2015 donors.
NANOS would like to recognize our 2014 donors.
NANOS would like to recognize our 2013 donors.
NANOS would like to recognize our 2012 donors.
NANOS would like to recognize our 2011 donors.

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